quarta-feira, maio 15, 2013

Do you have advice for young scientists?

"Be clear with yourself about what exactly you want to do in the long term. Know how you want to affect the world and what you are passionate about. Ignore boundaries and pursue what you want most to do.", 
says Laura Deming, aged 19, a bright, motivated and passionate scientist.

and for the old ones, do you have any?

4 comentários:

Aos 17 anos... disse...

Encontrei isto:


You don't know Jack... disse...

You don't know Jack...

Three-minute storie about innovative people who are reshaping the world through act or invention...

http://vimeo.com/56769793 <- Jack Andraka, a high school sophomore, has developed a revolutionary new test for pancreatic cancer. The future of science is in the hands of our youth.

Director: Morgan Spurlock

Join the conversation and tweet #DontKnowJack to have your tweet featured on the GE FOCUS FORWARD website. Go to focusforwardfilms.com/films/78/you-don-t-know-jack to see the discussion.

Other stories: http://focusforwardfilms.com/ (30 short stories)

Aidan Dwyer disse...

VIDEO: http://www.focusforwardfilms.com/films/80/the-secret-of-trees <- What do trees know that we don't? 13-year-old inventor Aidan realized that trees use a mathematical formula to gather sunlight in crowded forests. Then he wondered why we don’t collect solar energy in the same way.

Mais informação: http://www.amnh.org/nationalcenter/youngnaturalistawards/2011/aidan.html

http://www.cienciahoje.pt/index.php?oid=50559&op=all <- Rapaz de 13 anos desenvolve colector de energia solar. Descoberta inovadora utiliza a sequência de números de Fibonacci

Anónimo disse...



Vês como sou optimista?