terça-feira, julho 20, 2010


servimo-nos aos outros enfeitados.

mas ninguém sabe o que temos cá dentro.


19 comentários:

O Chefe disse...

Se calhar dava jeito alguém para partir as camadas de porcelana à pedrada, ou substituí-las por vidro. Mas quereríamos mesmo ser transparentes?

R: Os cirurgiões sabem.

P.S. Reflexos!

menina de porcelana disse...

oh chefe fa-xabor:)
a) que violência! partir à pedrada as camadas de porcelana? então pah!? :P
b) não, não queríamos (falo por nós, os meus eu's que aqui estão dentro)
c) os cirurgiões PENSAM que sabem. o que tem as suas vantagens e desvantagens. os psiquiatras e os psicólogos (e afins) também ACHAM que sim.
d) reflexos. :) porque também eu sou uma matrioska. :)

Filipa Júlio disse...

eu tenho um verão invencível.
e tu?

menina de porcelana disse...

uma voz misteriosa! :P

Radiohead. Scala and Kolacny Brothers. Alex Heller disse...

An actress known to be good-looking who plays a role which calls for her to indulge in a makeup that makes her look homely usually gets flattering notices from the reviewers, even if her performance isn't worth a nickel.
George Jean Nathan

in http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BeautyInversion

(fonte vídeo alternativa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtolmKR5DkI )

9 to 5: Days in Porn disse...

Capitalismo? Marketing? Consumismo?

Blá blá blá...

"Dar ao povo o que o povo quer"?

filme "Young Adult" (trailer 2011) disse...

"Everyone gets old.
Not every one grows up."

in http://www.onlinemovieshut.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/young-adult-poster.jpg

"Ela é maluca... apesar de se parecer com a Charlize Theron!" :D

Beverly McLachlin... Alison Redford... Elyce Allan... disse...

"[...] At a time when young women are flocking to universities to gain a post-secondary education so that they can secure financial independence and a career as adults, we continue - over and over again - to give them mixed messages. Yes, women comprise about 51 per cent of the population and we are becoming more educated and better represented in numerous fields from business to law to politics to the sciences to athletics. But we don't focus our attention on these women. Heck, we barely know them! [...]"
in http://www.leaderpost.com/sports/Lingerie+football+offensive+game/6207623/story.html

Estereótipos, PRÉ-Conceitos, etc disse...

"What If The Male Avengers Posed Like Chicks?
How come the female Avengers are always posed like Playboy models and the guys look tough?
Here's the switch-a-roo."

Ah! O que é a cultura afinal?!?

http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/2308699_700b.jpg ?

http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/054/b/4/the_internet_by_noprips-d4qqcss.jpg ?

http://sharky.cowblog.fr/images/22Avril2011/tumblrktenc3w0Q71qzxzwwo1500.jpg ?

http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/1479473_700b.jpg ?


Argumentos a favor e contra a liberdade de escolha... do vestuário. disse...

"Ou oito ou oitenta?"

Uma mulher que voluntariamente escolhe usar uma burka ou um nikab não tem muito a ver com outra que seja obrigada a fazer o mesmo...
O que é feito da liberdade de escolha?

«E a "opressão sistemática contra as mulheres, na qual os corpos femininos são sexualizados e objectificados e as mulheres são julgadas pela aparência"? E as doenças de comportamento alimentar? E as operações plásticas? E as dietas prejudiciais a saúde? Tudo em nome de ter o corpo perfeito?»
in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSIjfnpPCsg


"Nem oito nem oitenta"?

texto de David Wong (para rir??)... disse...

«[...] we, as the audience, know that in the end the hero will "get the girl," just as we know that at the end of the month we're going to "get our paycheck." Failure to award either is breaking a societal contract. The girl can say what she wants, but we all know that at the end, she will wind up with the hero, whether she knows it or not. [...] there are two ways to dehumanize someone: by dismissing them, and by idolizing them. [...]»

«[...] These are some comments they made about a female public figure, and I want you to guess who it is:
"Her face is so ugly you can smash it into some dough and make gorilla cookies."
"So fugly, I'd say 'don't even look'!!!"
"At least Medusa was modestly attractive by comparison."
"This person is disgusting and I would never trust 'it's' opinion on ANYTHING!"
Have you guessed? They're talking about Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan.
Yes, even in that setting, when judging a female for a position on the highest court in the land, our instinct is still to judge her suitability as a sex partner. It's the first thing we notice. And you could just write that off as a bunch of douches being shallow, but then you have to realize how all of society has conformed to this. Forget about objectification in the media or fashion industry -- go to a diner, they've got the pretty girl waiting tables. Go to a department store, they'll have a pretty girl selling you pants. See, that's the difference. With men, there are some scenarios where it stops mattering how he looks. With women, it always matters. [...]»

«[...] Obviously, "She was asking for it!" is still a bullshit rape defense. All I'm saying is when you see guys actually get annoyed or angry at the sight of a girl showing too much skin, or if you see them eager to degrade or humiliate the girls at the strip club, this is why. It's probably why some Muslims make their women cover themselves head to toe. [...]»

«[...] when we get nostalgic for the past, we always dress it up in some ridiculous fantasy like 300, where everybody is shirtless and screaming and hacking things with swords. We are fed this idea that at one time, this is how the world was -- all of these impulses that have been getting us grounded and sent to detention from kindergarten on used to be not only allowed, but celebrated. [...]»

«[...] Did you ever watch old cartoons where a character is starving on a desert island, and when another character approaches, he's so hungry that he imagines the other character as a talking piece of food? It's like that for most men, most of the time. We're starving, and all women are various types of food. Only instead of food, it's sex. And we're trying to conduct our everyday business around the fact that we're trying to renew our driver's license with a talking pair of boobs. [...] This is why no amount of male domination will ever be enough, why no level of control or privilege or female submission will ever satisfy us. We can put you under a burqa, we can force you out of the workplace -- it won't matter. You're still all we think about, and that gives you power over us. And we resent you for it. [...]»

in http://www.cracked.com/article_19785_5-ways-modern-men-are-trained-to-hate-women.html

in http://www.cracked.com/article_19785_5-ways-modern-men-are-trained-to-hate-women_p2.html

David Wong is the Senior Editor of Cracked.com and the author of John Dies at the End and the even more ridiculously titled sequel This Book is Full of Spiders: Seriously Dude, Don't Touch it, available for pre-order from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Powell's, etc.

"indulge in a makeup that makes her look homely"... Beauty Matters? disse...

«An actress known to be good-looking who plays a role which calls for her to indulge in a makeup that makes her look homely usually gets flattering notices from the reviewers, even if her performance isn't worth a nickel.
George Jean Nathan»

in http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BeautyInversion

Anónimo disse...

«Em Abril de 2011, elas fartaram-se. O comentário de um polícia de Toronto foi a gota de água. Dizia ele que "as mulheres deviam deixar de se vestir como galdérias" como prevenção de possíveis crimes sexuais. Saíram à rua no Canadá e o rastilho chegou a várias partes do globo, nomeadamente a Lisboa e ao Porto, no passado Verão. Agora foi a vez de Bogotá, na Colômbia. O movimento "SlutWalk" vai continuar a marchar.» (AR)
in http://p3.publico.pt/actualidade/sociedade/2362/slutwalk-tambem-na-colombia-o-corpo-delas-e-delas

«[...] Obviously, "She was asking for it!" is still a bullshit rape defense. All I'm saying is when you see guys actually get annoyed or angry at the sight of a girl showing too much skin, or if you see them eager to degrade or humiliate the girls at the strip club, this is why. It's probably why some Muslims make their women cover themselves head to toe. [...]»
in http://www.cracked.com/article_19785_5-ways-modern-men-are-trained-to-hate-women.html

Não consigo perceber se isto tem alguma lógica...

"Tudo que o homem não conhece não existe para ele. Por isso o mundo tem, para cada um, o tamanho que abrange o seu conhecimento." (Carlos Bernardo González Pecotche) disse...

às vezes, preferimos não saber certas coisas?

Anónimo disse...

"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." Philip K. Dick

Acerca de interpretações...

(a água como principal constituinte de muitas soluções venenosas)

Use of misleading language

«[...] Creating scientific-sounding terms in order to add weight to claims and persuade non-experts to believe statements that may be false or meaningless. For example, a long-standing hoax refers to water by the rarely used formal name "dihydrogen monoxide" (DHMO) and describes it as the main constituent in most poisonous solutions to show how easily the general public can be misled. [...]»

in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudoscience#Use_of_misleading_language

Anónimo disse...

Comentário de GUStavoSuperCool in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuI5sZzt5HQ :

im offended im Russian Brazilian


No pasto... (Documentário Food, Inc.) disse...

Reflexão acerca da tecnocracia como cultura:


Moving Beyond Fast Food Nation disse...

Acerca de conformidade e outras coisas:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfO4TwrUqZM <- Peter Singer and Eric Schlosser explore the broad and compelling issues and ethical dilemmas surrounding food production in the U.S. and the choices individuals make regarding the food they eat.


(Yulia Brodskaya, an artist based in UK born in Russia) disse...



https://facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1648315368587696 (entrar ou não entrar?)