os meninos na praia à noite. uma tenda montada. as dunas minúsculas, ondulantes, fazendo desenhos sombrios. os caracóis loiros, as perninhas lançadas no chão, a mão rechonchuda e rosa que se estende ao alto. lança a areia num fiozinho que escoooorre. e cai cai cai, como mil estrelinhas doiradas transformadas em prata pela luz da lua. tudo isto encoberto, sob o olhar vigilante de um pai que, de dentro da tenda, observa. deitado sobre a bossa estomacal, afasta os olhos da criança à medida que se aproximam os vultos curvilíneos. nas covas oculares, revolvem-se-lhe os olhos sempre que passam as moças. e um olhar negro, voraz, lança-lhes no caminho a baba que se desprende dos lassos beiços. "queres companhia?", ataca.
remexe ainda na areia, o menino, lança-a ao alto, enquanto deita o olho à cena. enquanto, sem se aperceber, a vai guardando na memória.
(tanta inocência que se estreita, e que desaparece, sufocada pelas mentes instintivas e insatisfeitas destes pais.)
1 comentário:
Viewer comment:
Jacqueline Spieweg
I made a self test: Is it possible to see this clip without a happy grin on the face? The answer is: No! I love that song - and Leonid Kharitonov's smile of course
IMPORTANT! This video has English subtitles! To turn Captions on in your YouTube player (to view the subtitles) activate the second button on the player's tool bar.
VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3scgW-aghr4&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PLEDB62CBBC7E29770 <- [1969] Leonid Kharitonov (Леонид Харитонов) & Red Army Choir - "Dark-Eyed Cossack Girl" (or "Chernoglazaya Kazachka") - This song is about Cossak Soldier who once met a dark-eyed Cossak girl and asked her to shoe his horse. The girl agreed and asked for a very small price. The man asked her name since he liked her very much. The girl refused to tell her name and answered that the cossack would hear it right from under his horse's shoes when he rides it. The cossack started riding his horse and guessing her name - Masha? Zina? Dasha? Nina?.. No, they were all wrong... KATYA, KATYA, KATERINA - the horseshoes knocked her name...!!! Since those times whereever the cossack went he always whispered "KATYA, KATYA, KATERINA"... He was thinking that that was an obsession since he already had another girlfriend. But strange thing was that he could never take that cossak girl's name out of his chest as it was a neverending song inside there...
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