quarta-feira, novembro 19, 2008

Unser täglich brot (Nosso pão quotidiano)

Andamos a produzir em massa
desprovidos já de sensações.

Presos na rotina da necessidade,
estendemos o braço,
erguemos a tesoura
e, zás, cortamos o pulso às coisas.

Morrem os outros Mas nós
tornámo-nos já indiferentes à passagem dos corpos.

Morrem os outros. e porque razão?

razão? não. só para, no final, estendermos o braço,
e termos o mundo à mão.

(quando estamos tão imbuídos dela, como o ar que se respira, pergunto-me como poderemos nós quebrar esta rotina?)

4 comentários:

"fois gras"... etc. disse...


menina de porcelana disse...

se pegássemos no pato, inchássemos o pato, torturássemos o pato, o víssemos a sofrer esmifradamente... se abriíssemos então o pato, com o fígado já pesado e inchado, queria ver se pegávamos no pão e barrássemos.
"longe da vista, longe da mente...". e é assim que cometemos as maiores atrocidades... porque, nem que nos dessem a escolhaer, não quereríamos a consciência das coisas. :S

Zimbardo acerca das experiências de Milgram... disse...

"The data clearly revealed the extreme pliability of human nature: depending on the situation, almost everyone could be totally obedient or almost everyone could resist authority pressures. Milgram was able to demonstrate that compliance rates could soar to over 90 percent of people continuing to the 450-volt maximum or be reduced to less than 10 percent — by introducing just one crucial variable into the compliance recipe. Want maximum obedience? Make the subject a member of a “teaching team,” in which the job of pulling the shock lever to punish the victim is given to another person (a confederate), while the subject assists with other parts of the procedure. Want resistance to authority pressures? Provide social models — peers who rebel. Participants also refused to deliver the shocks if the learner said he wanted to be shocked; that’s masochistic, and they are not sadists. They were also reluctant to give high levels of shock when the experimenter filled in as the learner. They were more likely to shock when the learner was remote than in proximity. In each of the other variations on this diverse range of ordinary American citizens, of widely varying ages and occupations and of both genders, it was possible to elicit low, medium, or high levels of compliant obedience with a flick of the situational switch. Milgram’s large sample — a thousand ordinary citizens from varied backgrounds — makes the results of his obedience studies among the most generalizable in all the social sciences. His classic study has been replicated and extended by many other researchers in many countries."

"Enquanto a cidade dorme" disse...

... documentário de... Catarina Carrola!!!

Algo do género mas mais... er... "doce" ;)