"The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice there is little we can do to change until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds." (Ronald D. Laing)
wwwOla,Finalmente escreves algo no blog.Que livro gostas mais dele? Confesso que li alguns contos dele e achei piada, embora me facam um pouco de sono.Se bem que ultimamente qualquer livro me da sono. Acho que fui mordida pela mosca tse-tse.Beijocas linda
Video Games vs. Depression May 3, 2013Can games help tackle depression? Danny explores the link between video games and dealing with mental health issues.VIDEO: http://uk.gamespot.com/world-of-warcraft/videos/video-games-vs-depression-6407898/
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2 comentários:
Finalmente escreves algo no blog.
Que livro gostas mais dele? Confesso que li alguns contos dele e achei piada, embora me facam um pouco de sono.
Se bem que ultimamente qualquer livro me da sono. Acho que fui mordida pela mosca tse-tse.
Beijocas linda
Video Games vs. Depression
May 3, 2013
Can games help tackle depression? Danny explores the link between video games and dealing with mental health issues.
VIDEO: http://uk.gamespot.com/world-of-warcraft/videos/video-games-vs-depression-6407898/
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